Our Values

  • You are unique

    Each customer is unique. This is why we conduct each training course in a bespoke way.

  • The most appropriate methodology

    We look for the most suitable methodology for each course, alternating theoretical and practical content.

  • On Your Premises

    We provide on-site training (on the customer’s premises) to facilitate the educative process.

  • In Constantly updated

    At FORVATEC, we are on the lookout for the latest developments in the Automotive industry in order to offer you up-to-date training. Our team is also regularly updated.

  • A commitment to you

    We make a commitment to our customers in order to provide them with the clearest and simplest service possible, constantly seeking to maintain long-term and stable relationships.

  • International environment

    We work in any environment and in three languages: English, French and Spanish.